
Money for New License: $



Vertical Monopoly:

Vertical Monopoly is a incremental game about buying up mines, refineries, and factories to monopolize on the industry. To make money, you need to produce enough resources to sample to your client to start a contract.

Helpful Terms in VM:
Bought Buildings: These provide a direct resource that can be later sold.
Built Buildings: These give passive bonuses and require empty lots to be built on.
Contracts: You send samples out to start a contract which converts goods into money. You can break a contract with right mouse click. If you run out of a product, you'd first break a contract before starting an anti-contract.
Anti-Contracts: Anti-Contracts allow you to continue production by purchasing raw materials at contract price. You are stuck with these contracts until you can produce enough to cancel them.
Some bought buildings require a source of raw goods. If your production can't fully produce the needed raw resources, you will have to start an anti-contract to purchase these goods at wholesale price.

Its important to manage your contracts, power usage, anti-contracts, and money to make sure you are in constant profit. If you run bankrupt, you lose everything and have to restart.

How to get started:

To get started:
1. Spend your savings on a Mine
2. Produce enough Material to maintain an Contract
3. Spend your contract money on a new Mine
4. Continue to purchase Mines and start Contracts
5. Spend your newfound thousands on a new license (I recommend factories)
6. Continue unlocking licenses and building your monopoly!

Workshop How-To:

The workshop is a early-mid building you build to unlock the workshop tab. Here you can use accumulated resources (Not per second) to build upgrades.
Each bought building has a different item needed to upgrade (e.g. Mines use drills). Each upgrade only accounts for one building.


Once you get to a suitable place to retire, go to your license page and click retire. For each million dollars you have you'll get a gold coin so that the next generation can have upgraded stuff to
build their company. Its important to leave them the gold coins so they don't turn to a life of !


Time Played: ::

Gross Profit: $

Total Anti-Contracts:

  • Robotics